Georgia residents should know about a survey that the artificial intelligence firm Netradyne conducted regarding concerns about the all-too-common trend of distracted driving. Held from Feb. 25 to March 10, 2020, the survey involved 1,248 people aged 18 and over with...
Month: July 2020
Misdiagnosis and medical malpractice
Misdiagnosis is recognized as a serious legal issue. In fact, it can be one of the most disastrous medical errors. Among Georgia medical malpractice attorneys, it's well understood that a diagnostic error can lead to serious health effects. By making an incorrect...
How to drive safely during a storm
An estimated 100,000 thunderstorms occur in Georgia and throughout the United States each year. Thunderstorms can occur at various times during the day, so it is important that truck drivers check the weather report before making deliveries. Take a look at some...
New study ranks the deadliest driver distractions
Georgia drivers should know that anything that takes away their eyes or their mind from the road, as well as their hands from the steering wheel, is a distraction. A study conducted by Erie Insurance back in 2013 ranked the deadliest distractions for drivers, and the...
Nursing home abuse is not uncommon
Individuals who experience any type of harm while staying in a Georgia nursing home may be victims of nursing home abuse. If a facility receives funding from Medicare, its residents have the right to live without fear of being mentally, physically or emotionally...
Parents must stress teen driver safety in the summer
Summer has long been the most dangerous time for teen drivers in Georgia, as elsewhere in the U.S., and the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day is even known as the "100 deadliest days." According to AAA, there have been over 8,300 deaths arising from teen...
Steps to take when ending a partnership
Individuals who enter into business partnerships in Georgia and elsewhere will ideally have written contracts that govern the terms of those relationships. This may prevent relationships from ending or lawsuits from being filed if a partnership is eventually...