Helping You Pursue Your Personal Injury Claim With Confidence

Tom Kenney Law Newsletter 09/12

On Behalf of | Sep 1, 2012 | Firm News

Tips and Resources for Dealing with and Preventing Injury Claims.

In this issue

  • How much car insurance should I have?
  • Leading causes of car accidents.
  • The risk of the roadways.
  • What to do if you are in a car wreck.

How much car insurance should I have?

That’s a great question. No easy answer. The law requires certain coverages. Of course, there are different types of insurance coverages. Here are some suggestions.

  • Pay a little more for higher limits for liability and uninsured motorist coverages. Liability coverage protects you and your assets. Uninsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage protects you from uninsured drivers or drivers who carry very little coverage. Increasing the limits of coverage is often less expensive than you think.
  • Include medical payments coverage in your coverage. Be sure and get more than just a minimal amount. Especially if your health insurance is not the greatest in the world. Usually, medical payments coverage will pay your medical expenses regardless of who caused the wreck.
  • Whoever pays your medical bills may have a reimbursement claim allowing them to seek reimbursement out of the money you recover from your wreck. This is another reason to have high medical payments limits. (As a general rule, your medical payments insurance carrier’s reimbursement claim is not as strong as your health insurance carrier’s claim if your health insurance is through your job.) This is why you should have significant medical payments coverage in your auto policy and use it to pay medical bills for a wreck.
  • Consider an umbrella policy which would provide you significant liability protection for relatively small increases in your insurance premiums.

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