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Dealing with a TBI after a car accident

On Behalf of | Nov 29, 2021 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

Traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs, affect many people in Georgia following car crashes and other high-impact accidents. When your head is shaken or struck with a lot of force, your brain can be bruised after it hits the inside of your skull. A TBI can be minor or severe and symptoms may last weeks, years, or for the rest of your life.

What to do after a TBI

People who are involved in motor vehicle accidents often don’t know right away that they have suffered from a TBI. It’s a good idea to get evaluated by a primary care doctor who may refer you to a specialist if your brain injury is severe. If you lost consciousness for any length of time, you know that you suffered from a brain injury. Other symptoms of TBI that can show up right away include:

• Dizziness
• Visual problems
• Headaches
• Speech difficulties
• Nausea
• Memory loss

Long-term TBI symptoms can be incredibly difficult to deal with because they lead to changes in mood, personality, and cognitive functioning. People with TBI may have problems controlling their depression, anger, and anxiety and develop poor judgment. Difficulty sleeping can also be an issue with a TBI.

Consider being evaluated by a neuropsychologist

Your primary care doctor might refer you to a neurologist who may then refer you to a neuropsychologist. A neuropsychologist is a specialist that understands the brain and nervous system and how they relate to cognitive functioning and behavior. Often, these medical specialists do brain imaging and provide treatment plans for brain healing. The diagnoses and medical records provided by neuropsychologists can also be helpful for car accident claims.